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Overcome Trauma with EMDR

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Are you experiencing intrusive thoughts or flashbacks that cause anxiety?

Do you feel held back by past events and want to finally get over the past and start to live the life you deserve.

Are you ready to move on and live a full and rewarding life no matter what happened to you in the past?

Would you like to get this resolved rapidly without rehashing the past and dwelling on what happened... you just want it over and done with?

The Rapid Results EMDR might just be what you are looking for.

To find out more, download the no-obligation FREE EMDR Guidebook now.

EMDR Eye Movement Therapy:
Free Yourself to Live More, Now

Put your past in the past forever, quickly and safely

  • “Toni is an very experienced counselor and hypnotherapist. She has a relaxed and embracing approach that ensures you feel supported through evidence based strategies. Her sessions are not just a good chat with limited outcomes. It feels like real work gets done. She is responsive to your needs and I will continue to use her services. I have also seen Toni present workshops and talks, she is an excellent speaker. I highly recommend Toni's services to anyone.”


    Kelly Lawson
    Owner, The Coaching Quad

    Reclaim Your Freedom: Heal Past Hurts and Embrace Your Authentic Self (Even After 40)

    Do you ever feel like past experiences hold you back from living your best life now? You're not alone.

    You’re mature, successful and you’ve achieved the things that make for the ‘good life’. So why can’t you fully enjoy the life you deserve? The life you can have, and should have?

    The truth is, you feel a bit disconnected - from some of the people closest to you, from your work, and even from yourself.

    And the constant stress is just so hard. You long to feel comfort and ease in your body, and the wellness of someone with true peace and energy.

    It’s so frustrating when you know there’s a barrier, but it feels impossible to shift.

    You’ve been trying for years. You’ve done the standard therapies, and they helped a bit. But you still feel held back by the barriers of the past.

    So you’re still searching for that deep shift inside that will free you.

    Life is precious and you’ve worked hard. You deserve the freedom to feel safe, comfortable in your body, and back in charge of your decisions.

    And life is quickly passing you by. You don’t want to spend months or years struggling to put your past in the past, where it belongs.

    You want results now.

    Trauma and emotional abuse or neglect can be hard to shift without expert support. Yet you are hesitant to revisit those old memories, fearing it will open old wounds and lead to more misery.

    You don’t want to do more long, painful therapy, only to find it doesn’t make a real difference.

    I understand. But what if there was a way to heal those wounds quickly, safely and forever?

    An evidence-based therapy that has been proven effective and has been enhanced recently to make it even more powerful?

    So that you can now finally move forward and live your life your way…

    EMDR Therapy: Your Path to Freedom

    EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is a powerful, evidence-based therapy that can help you reprocess past traumas and limiting beliefs.

    It's a safe and effective way to reduce the emotional distress associated with negative past experiences, allowing you to live a more fulfilling and authentic life.

    Here's What Makes EMDR a Great Choice for Trauma Therapy…

    Fast and Effective

    Many people experience significant relief in just 2-3 sessions, often within a week (or even a weekend!). Imagine feeling lighter and freer within days.

    Gentle and Targeted

    EMDR doesn't require you to relive your trauma in detail. This gentle approach allows you to address the emotional core of the issue without reliving all the pain.

    Long-lasting Results

    Studies show that EMDR's effects are long-lasting, empowering you to move forward with confidence and peace.
    • “I sought Toni’s help when I was feeling very burnt out from the mental and emotional demands of my work. After years of being in a career that I had loved, the mental and emotional demands had become overwhelming and I felt as though I was drowning.

      I was suffering from poor mental and physical health as a result. From the first session, Toni was a knowledgeable and compassionate guide who understood my struggles. She offered very helpful and practical solutions to the demands on my time and energy. She helped me to learn skills that would enable me to begin to free myself from the trap of overwork, self-criticism and judgement. Working with Toni was a valuable investment in my future and my career.

      I continue to use the skills I learned from Toni every day in my work, and I am seeing huge benefits in both my personal and professional life.”


      KB, Hunter Valley

      I Know You Have Questions

      I Know You Have Questions

      It's natural to feel apprehensive about therapy. But I’ll guide you through the process with compassion and understanding.

      You can start the process right now, by downloading my Rapid Results EMDR Readiness Guide.

      Click here to get your Rapid Results EMDR Readiness Guide.

      Why Work with Me?

      1. Specialisation. I specialise in helping people just like you heal from past experiences with EMDR therapy. Freeing people from overwhelm, so that they can live satisfying, values-centred lives, is my jam.
      2. Experience. I have 20 years of experience as a psychotherapist. I’ve conducted more than 100 workshops and presentations about reducing overwhelm and I regularly write about freeing yourself from overwhelm. So yes, I’ve been around the block. A few times.
      3. You are in safe hands. I have a four-year degree in psychology, and a post-graduate diploma in Hypnotherapy and Strategic Psychotherapy. With lots of other therapeutic modalities in my tool kit (such as Resource Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Progressive Counting, and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy.)

        I keep learning for the love of using good practical strategies (and because I am a true psychology nerd.)
      4. Connected with the best. I’ve had specific EMDR training from one of the world’s best, US expert Dr Ricky Greenwald.
      5. Confidence. I’m a full member of the EMDRIA worldwide professional association for EMDR therapists, and I have years of experience in helping people like you to free themselves from the weight of their past.
      6. Putting your needs first, always. I take care to ensure that EMDR is a good fit for you. It’s not for everyone. If you are working with me, then you can expect great results.
      7. Flexibility and convenience. I do in-person EMDR therapy in Newcastle, NSW, and online elsewhere.

        ‘Wait on,’ you think. Did Toni just say say, ‘EMDR online???’

        Yes. EMDR works just as well online. I do a majority of online sessions.

        It’s probably even better than in-person sessions. You can remain in the comfort and privacy of your own home, with the convenience of staying in your pyjamas (if you prefer…)

        This maximises your chances of being able to respond well.

        And there’s another reason to work with me…

      8. There are three free bonuses to working with me (that you won’t get anywhere else)

      Program Bonuses

      A. Free Full-Hour Consultation.

      In this first session I will connect you with your goals, ensure you are prepared, and create an action pathway to getting there. Because this isn’t just about breaking free from your past. It’s about powerfully creating your future.

      B. Free Full-Hour, Post-Program Hypnosis Session.

      Once you have successfully completed the Rapid Results EMDR, we team up again to boost your progress with your own unique recorded hypnosis session.

      I will gift you this recording to keep forever. It’s a powerful connection with your subconscious power to create and sustain a great mindset upgrade.

      C. Your Unique Powerful Inner Team Profile.

      We will identify and create a profile of your most powerful personal inner resources in a PDF handout for you to keep and use forever.

      It’s like having a magic spell to bring forward the strengths and abilities that hide within you, and that used to seem out of reach.

      So Here's What You
      Can Expect:

      Your Free EMDR Readiness Assessment

      We'll start with discussing your goals, answer any questions you may have, and check that EMDR is the right therapy for you, so you feel comfortable before moving forward.

      Your Pace, Your Comfort

      We develop your Powerful Inner Team as we work out the specific targets for reprocessing. EMDR is tailored to your individual needs and comfort level. You're always in control.

      Support, Every Step of the Way

      I’ll be with you every step of the way, offering support and guidance throughout the process.

      Three sessions of two hours each, spaced over 3-10 days (depending on your needs) means you progress rapidly and safely.

      Follow-up For Taking Valuable Action

      In our follow-up session, we will highlight your progress and set a course for achieving your goals, using hypnosis as a powerful tool for boosting your results.

      Invest in Yourself. It's Time to Live Your Best Life

      Imagine waking up each day feeling lighter, freer, and more connected to your authentic self.

      You might be able to experience this sooner than you think. It’s starts with finding out if EMDR is right for you.

      Find out whether EMDR could be right for you

      I Understand the Financial Investment Is Worth Considering. Here Are the Program Options:

      $600 for a half weekday (three hours)

      $800 for a half weekend day (three hours)

      The number of half days needed will depend on your needs. We can do full six-hour days as well. We will discuss these options, and work out what you need in your free information session.
      • “I was in a very muddled place after a period of heavy work stress and the small business I worked for closing down. I searched for help specifically with burnout and stress and Toni came highly recommended. After a single session, with some excellently framed questions from Toni I had untangled some confusing threads about how to move forward with my career and manage the relationships from my previous job. I can highly recommend Toni as counsellor and am looking forward to our future sessions.”


        Joshua Devon

        Toni Knight

        Willing to Take the Next Step?

        Download the free Rapid Results EMDR Guide

        From there, let's talk in a free Readiness Session about how EMDR therapy can help you reclaim your freedom and live the life you deserve.

        EMDR, also known as the ‘Eye Movement Therapy’, can reduce or eliminate the distress of past traumas or negative events.

        You can then:
        • Feel more empowered and in control of your emotions.
        • Let go of limiting beliefs that hold you back.
        • Reconnect with your authentic self and live a more fulfilling life

        I hope to talk with you soon about how EMDR might be able to help you live a more satisfying and energised, values-centred life.

        It’s time.