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Hypnosis for Anxiety

Are you tired of anxiety controlling your life and holding you back?

Are you looking for practical tools to do your life, your way, now?

Have you tried hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a powerful, yet safe way to deliver therapy. I’ve been doing it for more than 10 years, and my clients have made some stunning transformations.

My hypnosis sessions are all online because it actually works better than being in my office.

In an online session, my suggestions go straight through your headphones and into your ears without interference, increasing your focus and results.

It also means less travel and less hassle for you. There’s nothing like being in the comfort and privacy of your own home!

A woman having anxieties
A woman guiding an old man how to control his emotions

Not witchcraft, just focus

Hypnosis seems mysterious and has a colourful history but…

Hypnosis simply creates a comfortable state of focus that increases your willingness to take on helpful new ideas.

The ‘magic’ is in your ability to bring your awareness to those aspects of yourself that you have overlooked, forgotten, or never really connected with in the first place.

Your strengths, skills, resources, abilities, and willingness to take action become more obvious.

Because the truth is, you are much more powerful than you know.

Hypnosis helps you to connect with your amazing, yet ordinary, power to transform.

You can find yourself having ‘aha’ moments as you realise that you can do what it takes to get past your limitations and achieve more than you thought possible.

Two therapies in particular - Strategic Psychotherapy and Resource Therapy, delivered via hypnosis, help you to rapidly develop a mindset that can overcome anxiety.

It’s amazing how quickly you can find yourself in a state that is just right for being the person you choose to be, and doing life according to what truly matters to you.

It’s not who you are - anxiety is a thinking pattern

Yes, anxiety is just ‘a thinking pattern’.

Anxiety can seem so powerful and menacing, but the experience of overwhelm is actually the result of a particular way of thinking and behaving.

Anxious thinking says that your challenges are greater than your ability to deal with them. This imagined failure to manage would then result in something terrible that would be devastating and unfixable for you.

This anxious thinking pattern causes your body to register a threat, and so stress hormones are released into your body and cause very real anxiety symptoms.

These distressing bodily changes make the imagined threatening event itself seem real. But in reality, it’s just an idea.

The only real event is the distress itself. And it’s an awful feeling.

To avoid those distressing feelings, we avoid the things that trigger anxiety. We make our lives smaller in order to feel ‘safe’.

Until we realise that anxiety is running our life. That we are missing out on the richness and satisfaction that comes with being all we can be and achieving what we choose.

Are you ready for the truth?

So anxiety is, in reality, a mental process that you're doing now, regardless of how it started earlier in life.

Often that thinking is so old and automatic that it doesn’t seem like thought at all. It’s just a sense, a feeling. A deep knowing.

Yet that thinking isn’t who you are. It’s just an old habit.

You are okay (even if you don’t feel that way right now.)

And the very good news: you can change that ‘anxiety’ process, when you know how.

So what happens in a hypnosis session?

We start by finding out what it is that you really want, and what is holding you back from that.

We discover your unique ‘anxiety profile’ - your anxiety ‘story’.

In other words, we bring light to your particular version of that anxiety story. You start to ‘connect the dots’ between that thinking and the anxiety you are feeling.

You make sense of this overwhelm and as you do, anxiety is already starting to lose its grip on your life.

I will help you to find a powerful state that connects you to your most powerful self. In this state, you are much better able to sense your true wisdom and ability to think and do differently.

Believe me - that state is always there. In every person. And you can connect to it, with my guidance.

I help you into a comfortable and pleasant state of relaxation and hypnotic trance where my guidance takes you on an imagined ‘journey’ of discovery of who you are and what you’re really capable of.

And I’ll gift you an audio-recorded version of that journey so that you can replay it at home and continue to empower yourself each time you listen to it.

You can feel the difference, and you’ll take more useful action with this upgrade. You step up, because you feel you can.

We also devise practical problem-solving strategies for your challenges, now that you are empowered to do so.

And I support you in taking that wise action.

Exciting news - group hypnosis online is even more powerful than sessions alone, and it costs a lot less!

The power of group hypnosis is extraordinary. Imagine unleashing the power to transform yourself in the presence of the healing energy of a whole group of people who want the best for you.

As you know, the power of a group is more than the sum of its parts.

So while your individual experience is private, you benefit from being energetically connected to this caring group.

And I guide you in bringing forward the transformational energy that everyone in the online group shares and embraces.

I also provide a teaching in the session on some of the best anti-anxiety strategies.

There are also bonus materials to help you move from feeling anxious to amazing.

The cost of the powerful group online hypnosis sessions are as follows:

A woman guiding an old man how to control his emotions

Want to know more?

Hypnosis is a great tool for enhancing new, more powerful states that you can use to step up and take charge of your life.

Individual sessions cost $200, and may be tax-deductible for some people.

If you have questions, or you are wondering if hypnosis would be right for you, please get in touch.

Click here to book a free, 30-minute chat with me to find out more.

Real People, Real Results

...over 3 weeks I worked closely with Toni trusting the process she offered and the gains and clarity I made were just what I was looking for and now I feel like I've taken a step into my reality and looking forward to an exciting life ahead...

Toni thank you for your guidance...

MG, Sunshine Coast, Queensland

April 2022

I started working with Toni at the beginning of May, after an awfully hard start to the year. I’ve done many years of therapy with many therapists and for the most part it’s been a repetition of my story… which kept me stuck with my baggage.

Working with Toni was different, it was about facilitating letting go of the past and be able to remain present whilst welcoming the future.

When having complicated trauma there are so many things that tie us and keep us suck and no matter how logical one can be, these triggers and nervous system deregulation can be so debilitating when it comes to move forward… Toni thoroughly helped me through that and I am nothing but super grateful that I’m now able to deal with issues without spiralling out of control. Total game changer.

Toni is an excellent listener and there is a presence of her that you know you’re in really good hands. One of the things that drew me to her is how eloquent she is. You can tell this woman is smart and very knowledgeable on how to facilitate change.

I’ve been recommending her to everyone I know as working with her has been absolutely invaluable.

Highly recommend

AC, Melbourne

June 2022